
Showing posts from August, 2022

Dye Laser part 5

 What now? I know that dye dies proportionally to pumping power levels, I also know that chlorophyll, like all dyes, has triplet level that "steals" possible molecules. First one rules out high pumping power densities, second rules out continuous wave pumping. Knowing that I can't really make it work in my workshop due to lack of any pulsed laser for pumping. Consequently  I decided to again contact universities for help.  Act one - Warsaw University of Technology I started by contacting my professor at Warsaw University of technology. He was very eager to try it out, he even found some old master's degree work of his student that was coumarin laser. Basic plan was to try aligning it first using well established laser dye and when system will be up and running then swap dye for chlorophyll.  laser resonator On the picture you can see laser, as left by master's student 10 years ago, just after cleaning. For pumping we used OPO pumped with 3rd harmonic of pulsed Nd:...