Digital emulation of analog comparator
But why? Recently, I decided to implement digital emulation of all my current eurorack modules . That way, I'll be able to share them with everyone to play and experiment before they decided to spend cash on an actual module. There's just one big obstacle in a way - SSH uses analog switches driven by comparators in the signal path. While analog switches can be nicely modeled with multiplication, I was unable to find any publications regarding accurate modeling of comparators. Naive approach The simplest way to try to model an analog comparator would be to use a digital comparator. Unfortunately, while simple, this solution suffers from a great amount of aliasing. It can be thought of in two different ways. One is that digital comparator outputs bandwidth unlimited step at the output leading to great aliasing, another is that digital comparator works in discrete time so can't sense when exactly the threshold has been crossed. Oversampling One, often thrown around, method of ...