As promised this is update to last post about our PCB holders.
Technical difficulties
It turns out that if I want tapped hole every 10mm that's a lot of tapping. Additionally tapping steel is quite hard, especially with such small tap. Most companies decided that they don't want to do such job, one that agreed is research institution so I guess they're used to nontrivial requirements. After some negotiations we got price of almost 5k euro for 300x300mm sheet. That's a bit too much for this project.
Required changes
My changing steel to aluminum and moving holes onto 15x15 grid we considerably reduced required engineering time. After initial testing it turned out that 15x15 hole spacing is more than sufficient, but swapping to aluminum means magnetic mounts are no longer an option. I guess it's low price to pay to reduce manufacturing cost to 740 euros.
plates when they first arrived in our lab
Designed mounts
We designed few mounts for plates to mount things on them. The more critical parts will me milled or turned from metal, the less strained ones will be 3d printed to further reduce cost. Here is gallery of mounts we made:
aluminum clamps fresh from factory
metal feet for now with 3d printed clamps
test plastic mounts screwed
Few photos of complete setup
pulse laser driver mounted for testing
measurement setup built with plates for cancer research
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